Summoners War: Sky Arena Wiki

Wind Epikion Priest - Michelle


Type: Support

Obtainable from: Unknown Scroll, Mystical Scroll, Mystical Summon, Social Summon, Wind Scroll

Devilmons: Feed it with 12 Epikion Priest [Do not use Devilmons]

Awaken bonus: Increases Resistance by 25%

Essences to awaken:

20 Mid Wind 5 Low Wind 15 Mid Magic 5 Low Magic


Absorb Mana (180%+12%)

Attacks the enemy and recovers the HP by 50% of the damage dealt. This attack will deal more damage according to your MAX HP.

+ Lv.2 Damage +5%

+ Lv.3 Damage +5%

+ Lv.4 Damage +5%

+ Lv.5 Damage +5%

+ Lv.6 Damage +5%

+ Lv.7 Damage +10%

Block Flow (10%+(5%x))

Extends the time of the beneficial effects and shortens the time of the harmful effects granted on all allies, and recovers their HP by 10% each. The recovery amount increases by 10% per harmful effect or beneficial effect granted on the allies. (Reusable

+ Lv.2 Recovery +10%

+ Lv.3 Recovery +10%

+ Lv.4 Recovery +10%

+ Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1

Soul Revival

Revives a dead ally and balances the target's HP ratio to half of your HP ratio and recovers the target's HP by 15% each turn for 2 turns. (Reusable in 7 turns).

+ Lv.2 Cooltime Turn -1

+ Lv.3 Cooltime Turn -1


Stat Priority : Spd, Hp%, Def%

Base stats
Speed Crit. Rate Crit. Damage Resistance Accuracy
95 15% 50% 15% 0%

Level Stars HP Atk Def
25 3 Min: 2115
Max: 3795
Min: 116
Max: 209
Min: 107
Max: 192
30 4 Min: 3045
Max: 5175
Min: 168
Max: 285
Min: 154
Max: 261
35 5 Min: 4140
Max: 7020
Min: 228
Max: 387
Min: 209
Max: 355
40 6 Min: 5625
Max: 9555
Min: 310
Max: 527
Min: 284
Max: 483
Awaken stats
Speed Crit. Rate Crit. Damage Resistance Accuracy
96 15% 50% 40% 0%

Level Stars HP Atk Def
25 3 Min: 2475
Max: 4455
Min: 121
Max: 218
Min: 114
Max: 205
30 4 Min: 3555
Max: 6060
Min: 175
Max: 297
Min: 164
Max: 279
35 5 Min: 4845
Max: 8235
Min: 238
Max: 404
Min: 223
Max: 379
40 6 Min: 6585
Max: 11205
Min: 323
Max: 549
Min: 304
Max: 516


Arena Offense
Arena Defense
Guild War Offense
Guild War Defense


( Spd / Hp% / Hp% )
( Hp% / Hp% / Hp% )