Fire Horn (180%+12%)
Attacks and Stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 25% chance. The damage increases accordingly to your MAX HP.
+ Lv.2 Damage +5%
+ Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
+ Lv.4 Damage +10%
+ Lv.5 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
+ Lv.6 Damage +10%
+ Lv.7 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Nature's Protection
Creates a shield that's 30% of your MAX HP for 3 turns and creates a shield that's 20% of your MAX HP on all other allies for 2 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns)
+ Lv.2 Shield +5%
+ Lv.3 Shield +5%
+ Lv.4 Shield +10%
+ Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
+ Lv.6 Cooltime Turn -1
Eternal Flame (Passive)
Reduces damage dealt by Water attributes by 50%. [Automatic Effect]
Transformation: Human Form
Transforms into a Human Form and you'll be able to use new skill. The Attack Power will be increased proportionate to your MAX HP in Human Form, but your MAX HP will be decreased by 50%. Instantly gains another turn after transformation. (Reusable in 2 tu
Fire Horn (Human Form) (360%)
Attacks and Stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 25% chance.
+ Lv.2 Damage +5%
+ Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
+ Lv.4 Damage +10%
+ Lv.5 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
+ Lv.6 Damage +10%
+ Lv.7 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Swaying Flames (320%)
Attacks all enemies to decrease their Defense and absorbs the Attack Bar by 10% each for 2 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns)
+ Lv.2 Shield +5%
+ Lv.3 Shield +5%
+ Lv.4 Shield +10%
+ Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
+ Lv.6 Cooltime Turn -1
Soaring Wings (Passive)
Increases your Attack Bar by 25% with each attack if you get a Critical Hit. [Automatic Effect]
Transformation: Mystical Creature
Turns back into Mystical Creature. Instantly gains another turn, afterwards. (Reusable in 2 turns)
Stat Priority : Hp%, Spd, Crit R%
Speed | Crit. Rate | Crit. Damage | Resistance | Accuracy |
99 | 15% | 50% | 15% | 0% |
Level | Stars | HP | Atk | Def |
35 | 5 | Min: 4920 Max: 8355 |
Min: 276 Max: 468 |
Min: 252 Max: 428 |
40 | 6 | Min: 6690 Max: 11370 |
Min: 375 Max: 637 |
Min: 342 Max: 582 |
Speed | Crit. Rate | Crit. Damage | Resistance | Accuracy |
100 | 15% | 50% | 15% | 0% |
Level | Stars | HP | Atk | Def |
35 | 5 | Min: 5415 Max: 9210 |
Min: 299 Max: 509 |
Min: 266 Max: 452 |
40 | 6 | Min: 7365 Max: 12510 |
Min: 407 Max: 692 |
Min: 362 Max: 615 |