Wind Succubus - Selena
Type: Attack
Obtainable from: Mystical Scroll, Mystical Summon, Temple of Wishes, Wind Scroll, Legendary Scroll
Devilmons: 14 Devilmons or use other Succubus
Awaken bonus: Leader Skill: Increases Resistance of ally monsters in the Arena by 40%.
Essences to awaken:
10 High Wind
20 Mid Wind
5 High Magic
15 Mid Magic
Leader Skill
Increases the Resistance of ally monsters in the Arena by 40%
Dreamy Invitation (390%)
Attacks without waking up the enemy that's under Sleep. Puts the target to Sleep for 1 turn with a 50% chance. Recovers the Attack Bar by 50% if the enemy falls asleep after the attack.
+ Lv.2 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
+ Lv.3 Damage +5%
+ Lv.4 Damage +10%
+ Lv.5 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
+ Lv.6 Damage +10%
+ Lv.7 Harmful Effect Rate +15%
Strike of Rejection (550%)
Attacks without waking up the enemy that's under Sleep. Disturbs the HP Recovery of the target for 2 turns. Increases the damage by 50% if the target is asleep. (Reusable in 4 turns)
+ Lv.2 Damage +5%
+ Lv.3 Damage +10%
+ Lv.4 Damage +10%
+ Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Blooming Nightmare (207%)
Attacks without waking up the enemy that's under Sleep. Attacks random targets 5 times. Puts the enemy who's not under Sleep to Sleep for 1 turn, and deals 50% more damage to the target that's under Sleep.
+ Lv.2 Damage +10%
+ Lv.3 Damage +10%
+ Lv.4 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
+ Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Stat Priority : Crit R%, Crit D%, Atk%
Speed | Crit. Rate | Crit. Damage | Resistance | Accuracy |
105 | 15% | 50% | 15% | 0% |
Level | Stars | HP | Atk | Def |
30 | 4 | Min: 2775 Max: 4725 |
Min: 209 Max: 356 |
Min: 182 Max: 309 |
35 | 5 | Min: 3780 Max: 6420 |
Min: 285 Max: 484 |
Min: 247 Max: 420 |
40 | 6 | Min: 5130 Max: 8730 |
Min: 387 Max: 659 |
Min: 336 Max: 571 |
Speed | Crit. Rate | Crit. Damage | Resistance | Accuracy |
106 | 15% | 50% | 15% | 0% |
Level | Stars | HP | Atk | Def |
30 | 4 | Min: 3045 Max: 5175 |
Min: 251 Max: 428 |
Min: 175 Max: 297 |
35 | 5 | Min: 4140 Max: 7020 |
Min: 342 Max: 581 |
Min: 238 Max: 404 |
40 | 6 | Min: 5625 Max: 9555 |
Min: 465 Max: 790 |
Min: 323 Max: 549 |